Resolution: Done
Try to make marshaller code more friendly so that more helpful stacktraces are presented. Example: http://pastie.org/580184
IRC chat with Manik:
<manik> galderz ping
<galderz> hi manik
<manik> hi there
<manik> any chance of wrapping up the marshaller code to provide more helpful stack traces?
<galderz> yeah, why not?
<galderz> any suggestion in particular?
<manik> e.g.
<manik> http://pastie.org/580184
<manik> doesn't tell me what it is trying to marshall when it fails
<manik> So it's kinda hard for me to locate where the problem is
<galderz> right, ic ur point
<galderz> let me create a jira for this
<manik> well, its clearly trying to read a stream and something should be logged on the sender (or any generator of that stream) so we can trace what it is
<galderz> we have to be careful about what we log since this code is used v heavily
<galderz> i'll investigate this further
- clebert1 (n=clebert@cpe-70-112-88-39.austin.res.rr.com) has joined #infinispan
<galderz> wrt the exception, there's something in the SuccessfulResponse sent back that the requester doesn't know what it is
- is related to
JBMAR-75 Better error reporting
- Closed