Resolution: Done
14.0.12.Final, 15.0.0.Final
The example config below is incorrect as the cache-container is defined within the jgroups element:
<infinispan> <jgroups> <!-- Creates a custom JGroups stack named "my-stack". --> <!-- Inherits properties from the default TCP stack. --> <stack name="my-stack" extends="tcp"> <!-- Uses TCPGOSSIP as the discovery mechanism instead of MPING --> <TCPGOSSIP initial_hosts="${jgroups.tunnel.gossip_router_hosts:localhost[12001]}" stack.combine="REPLACE" stack.position="MPING" /> <!-- Removes the FD_SOCK2 protocol from the stack. --> <FD_SOCK2 stack.combine="REMOVE"/> <!-- Modifies the timeout value for the VERIFY_SUSPECT2 protocol. --> <VERIFY_SUSPECT2 timeout="2000"/> <!-- Adds SYM_ENCRYPT to the stack after VERIFY_SUSPECT2. --> <SYM_ENCRYPT sym_algorithm="AES" keystore_name="mykeystore.p12" keystore_type="PKCS12" store_password="changeit" key_password="changeit" alias="myKey" stack.combine="INSERT_AFTER" stack.position="VERIFY_SUSPECT2" /> </stack> <cache-container name="default" statistics="true"> <!-- Uses "my-stack" for cluster transport. --> <transport cluster="${infinispan.cluster.name}" stack="my-stack" node-name="${infinispan.node.name:}"/> </cache-container> </jgroups> </infinispan>
- is documented by
JDG-6398 [Doc]: ISPN-15062 Customizing JGroups stack example xml is invalid
- Closed