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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-14421

CVE-2022-41881 codec-haproxy: HAProxyMessageDecoder Stack Exhaustion DoS [jdg-8]

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    Security Tracking Issue

    Do not make this issue public.

    Impact: Moderate
    Reported Date: 14-Dec-2022
    Resolve Bug By: 12-Jun-2023

    In case the dates above are already past, please evaluate this bug in your next prioritization review and make a decision then. Remember to explicitly set CLOSED:WONTFIX if you decide not to fix this bug.

    Please review this tracker and its impact on your product or service, as soon as possible. The trackers are filed WITHOUT in-depth analysis as the vulnerability has a Low or Moderate severity impact on this product or service. For more details, please refer to following confluence page - https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/x/3e_3EQ

    Please see the Security Errata Policy for further details: https://docs.engineering.redhat.com/x/9kKpDw


    CVE-2022-41881 codec-haproxy: HAProxyMessageDecoder Stack Exhaustion DoS

    Netty project is an event-driven asynchronous network application framework. In versions prior to 4.1.86.Final, a StackOverflowError can be raised when parsing a malformed crafted message due to an infinite recursion. This issue is patched in version 4.1.86.Final. There is no workaround, except using a custom HaProxyMessageDecoder.


            ttarrant@redhat.com Tristan Tarrant
            rhn-support-pdelbell Patrick Del Bello
            rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
            Chess Hazlett, Paramvir Jindal, Ted Won
