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  1. Infinispan
  2. ISPN-12713

WELD-001417: Enabled interceptor class org.infinispan.jcache.annotation.CacheResultInterceptor

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    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 13.0.0.Final
    • None
    • CDI
    • None
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      mvn verify -s maven-settings.xml -pl integrationtests/server-integration/third-party-server -Dit.test=GreetingServiceIT

      mvn verify -s maven-settings.xml -pl integrationtests/server-integration/third-party-server -Dit.test=GreetingServiceIT
    • Undefined

      The reproducer is on the PR https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/9041

      [INFO] Running org.infinispan.test.integration.thirdparty.cdi.GreetingServiceIT
      [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.045 s <<< FAILURE! - in org.infinispan.test.integration.thirdparty.cdi.GreetingServiceIT
      [ERROR] org.infinispan.test.integration.thirdparty.cdi.GreetingServiceIT  Time elapsed: 0.006 s  <<< ERROR!
      Cannot deploy infinispan-server-integration.war: {"WFLYCTL0062: Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:" => {"Operation step-1" => {"WFLYCTL0080: Failed services" => {"jboss.deployment.unit.\"infinispan-server-integration.war\".WeldStartService" => "Failed to start service
          Caused by: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001417: Enabled interceptor class org.infinispan.jcache.annotation.CacheResultInterceptor (<{http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee}class>org.infinispan.jcache.annotation.CacheResultInterceptor</{http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee}class> in vfs:/content/infinispan-server-integration.war/WEB-INF/lib/infinispan-jcache-12.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar/META-INF/beans.xml@8) does not match an interceptor bean: the class is not found, or not annotated with @Interceptor and still not registered through a portable extension, or not annotated with @Dependent inside an implicit bean archive"}}}}

      I was not able to understand the root cause. Once we have more details, we can update the description and title.

              dberinde@redhat.com Dan Berindei (Inactive)
              dlovison@redhat.com Diego Lovison
              rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
