Resolution: Obsolete
We noticed some issued with the HotRod client, when trying to use nested async calls. Originally, this was discovered in the context of Vert.x tests, but below you can find the smallest reproducer code that I could create (without any Vert.x dependencies).
//DefaultCacheManager cm = new DefaultCacheManager(); //Cache<String, String> cache = cm.createCache("default", new ConfigurationBuilder().build()); RemoteCacheManager cm = new RemoteCacheManager(); RemoteCache<String, String> cache = cm.getCache("default"); final CompletableFuture put = new CompletableFuture(); cache.putIfAbsentAsync("A", "A").thenAccept(resultA -> { final CompletableFuture nested = new CompletableFuture(); cache.putIfAbsentAsync("B", "B").thenAccept(resultB -> { nested.complete("B"); }); try { nested.get(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } put.complete("B"); }); put.get();
This would basically hang and the nested operation would never receive response. What I noticed in the original test is that response would become available after the framework timeout the test.
Everything works as expected with embedded cache.
- is related to
ISPN-10130 Remote cache calls from client listener get stuck
- Closed
ISPN-10309 Convert Remaining Parts to Non Blocking & Reduce Thread Pools
- Closed