User Story
As a developer of OpenShift Image Registry
I want to stress test the registry
So that I can identify bottlenecks
Acceptance Criteria
- List of workload types that we are interested to use for performance testing (N users - M repos - K actions (push/pull) - L images)
- List of metrics that we care about (response time, memory usage, ...?)
- What images should it use? Should it use pre-built images?
- How to scale it?
- How to deploy it? (the same k8s cluster?)
- Should it be able to test a single endpoint (for example, /openshift/token or /v2/REPO/NAME/blobs/...)?
Launch Checklist
Dependencies identified
Blockers noted and expected delivery timelines set
Design is implementable
Acceptance criteria agreed upon
Story estimated
Scripts that are used by Quay team: