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  1. anaconda installer
  2. INSTALLER-4101

Disable keyboard layout switching by keyboard shortcuts


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 25Q1
    • None

      We migrated compositor keyboard layout management to localed solution, where localed DBus is used as middle layer for communication.

      However, the current implementation in the Gnome-Kiosk has a bug and if keyboard shortcut is used to set the layouts it will not propagate the change to localed so Anaconda is not aware of that. This is already reported:


      This is not a fix for the issue but it should avoid users to switch layouts without notice and write passwords with a wrong passwords.

              jkonecny@redhat.com Jiri Konecny
              jkonecny@redhat.com Jiri Konecny
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