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  1. Hot Rod Native client
  2. HRCPP-163

.NET hotrod client: using released memory

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    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 7.0.0.CR2
    • 6.0.2.Final
    • .NET
    • None

      In C# - C++ SWIG glue (swig/hotrodcs.i) the C++ ByteArray(unsigned char *, size_t) constructor gets called from C# ByteArray(byte[]) constructor with pointer to data created by PInvoke marshaller. The ByteArray stores this pointer, but the data are released after the constructor call.
      Later, these data are used (the ByteArray is passed as argument to some functions) but the memory is already released, and the content is corrupt.

              rvansa1@redhat.com Radim Vansa (Inactive)
              rvansa1@redhat.com Radim Vansa (Inactive)
              rhn-support-adongare Amol Dongare
