# check hc default sg:
$ oc get hc heli-test -ojsonpath='{.status.platform.aws.defaultWorkerSecurityGroupID}' -n clusters
# check the default nodepool sg spec, we expected no sg spec now
$ oc get np heli-test-us-east-2a -n clusters -ojsonpath='{.spec.platform}' | jq
"aws": {
"instanceProfile": "heli-test-27zhg-worker",
"instanceType": "m5.large",
"rootVolume": {
"size": 120,
"type": "gp3"
"subnet": {
"id": "subnet-0c0937964e7b9c48d"
"type": "AWS"
# check ec2 instances sg of this nodepool, expect the default sg is there
$ oc get awsmachinetemplate -n clusters-heli-test -ojsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.hypershift\.openshift\.io/nodePool=="clusters/heli-test-us-east-2a")].spec.template.spec.additionalSecurityGroups}' | jq
"id": "sg-070f580b3d2d90226"
$ aws ec2 describe-instances --filter="Name=tag:Name,Values=heli-test-us-east-2a*" | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[].SecurityGroups'
"GroupName": "heli-test-27zhg-default-sg",
"GroupId": "sg-070f580b3d2d90226"
# scale up default np replicas
$ oc scale np -n clusters heli-test-us-east-2a --replicas=2
nodepool.hypershift.openshift.io/heli-test-us-east-2a scaled
$ aws ec2 describe-instances --filter="Name=tag:Name,Values=heli-test-us-east-2a*" | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[].SecurityGroups'
"GroupName": "heli-test-27zhg-default-sg",
"GroupId": "sg-070f580b3d2d90226"
"GroupName": "heli-test-27zhg-default-sg",
"GroupId": "sg-070f580b3d2d90226"
# check the new node's sg
# create a new sg without
hypershift create nodepool aws --name=heli-test --cluster-name=heli-test --node-count=1 --release-image=registry.ci.openshift.org/ocp/release:4.16.0-0.nightly-2024-02-21-020511 --namespace=clusters
# check the new sg spec and ec2 instance sg
# no sg spec
$ oc get np heli-test -n clusters -ojsonpath='{.spec.platform}' | jq
"aws": {
"instanceProfile": "heli-test-27zhg-worker",
"instanceType": "m5.large",
"rootVolume": {
"size": 120,
"type": "gp3"
"subnet": {
"id": "subnet-0c0937964e7b9c48d"
"type": "AWS"
# ec2 instance sg info
$ oc get awsmachine -n clusters-heli-test heli-test-6130f4e5-c9rss -ojsonpath='{.spec.additionalSecurityGroups}' | jq
"id": "sg-070f580b3d2d90226"
2. create a new nodepool with a new sg
# create a new sg in the vpc
$ aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name heli-test --description "heli-test" --vpc-id vpc-02cd7c0ada194fc2c
"GroupId": "sg-067f2cc0fea688d8d"
$ hypershift create nodepool aws --name=heli-test-2 --cluster-name=heli-test --node-count=1 --release-image=registry.ci.openshift.org/ocp/release:4.16.0-0.nightly-2024-02-21-020511 --namespace=clusters --securitygroup-id=sg-067f2cc0fea688d8d
NodePool heli-test-2 created
# check sg info
$ oc get np heli-test-2 -n clusters -ojsonpath='{.spec.platform.aws.securityGroups}' | jq
"id": "sg-067f2cc0fea688d8d"
$ oc get awsmachinetemplate -n clusters-heli-test -ojsonpath='{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations.hypershift\.openshift\.io/nodePool=="clusters/heli-test-2")].spec.template.spec.additionalSecurityGroups}' | jq
"id": "sg-067f2cc0fea688d8d"
"id": "sg-070f580b3d2d90226"
$ aws ec2 describe-instances --filter="Name=tag:Name,Values=heli-test-2*" | jq -r '.Reservations[].Instances[].SecurityGroups'
"GroupName": "heli-test-27zhg-default-sg",
"GroupId": "sg-070f580b3d2d90226"
"GroupName": "heli-test",
"GroupId": "sg-067f2cc0fea688d8d"
Test result passed using the cli built by the latest hypershift codes and HO:
test steps:
np condition:
the default nodepool
the new nodepool with a new sg specified:
cewong@redhat.com Is it proper to show "NodePool has a default security group" even it has a new sg as well as a default sg?