Resolution: Unresolved
The Pendo funnel for the Image Creation wizard is broken.
- Funnel must be fixed and reconfigured in Pendo
- Tagging must be added to steps in Image Builder Wizard
Previously, the "next" "previous" and "cancel" buttons for each step of the wizard were tagged so that Pendo could use this to create a funnel report.
e.g. https://app.pendo.io/s/5300167311360000/features/pBKszb8iu5FR97FiAIxfqcddZnM
This feature is expecting the css of ".imageBuilder #wizard-details-next-button" applied to the next button on the first page of the Image Builder wizard. That class and id is no longer there. This applies to all steps in the wizard.
Updated tagging needed for all buttons on:
- Image Output
- Target environment (for each AWS, GCS, and Azure)
- Register
- Compliance
- File system configuration
- Repository snapshot
- Custom repositories
- Additional packages
- First boot script configuration
- Details
- Review
& any other steps that will be added in the future
Funnel fix
Apart from the tagging issues, the funnel for image builder was changed (accidentally) by someone not on Image Builder, UX, or PM. The funnel has been completely broken. This funnel needs to be rebuilt after the tagging for the steps is completed. A CPUX ticket has been created for the funnel fix (attached)