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  1. Insights Experiences
  2. HMS-4318

downLoad a tarfile (and/or ISO) for a specific image version instead of only an ISO


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • Edge, Fleet Mgmt
    • None


      • As a Device Engineer/Administrator, I Want to have the option to download either a tarfile and/or and ISO for a specfic image version instead of having only the option for ISO, so that I can leverage either a tar file or ISO for automation processes for edge devices.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      A list of verification conditions, successful functional tests, or expected outcomes in order to declare this story/task successfully completed.

      • If the image version is created as a tarfile, allow for the tarfile to be downloaded.
      • If the image version is created as an ISO, allow for either a tarfile or the ISO be downloaded.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhn-support-tmanor Tom Manor
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
