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  1. Insights Experiences
  2. HMS-4103

improve documentation for tasking system, add docs for alerting, and docs to testing rbac


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • Content


      First, improve the docs for the tasking system and move any docs to "/docs/tasking_system/".

      Docs for the tasking system should include:

      • What is the tasking system?
      • What are the components of the tasking system?
      • What is the architecture of the tasking system?
      • What do the configuration options mean?
      • Where do I find the tasks?
      • How is a new task added? Include strategy around idempotency.
      • Diagrams are good


      Second, include documentation on metrics and alerting.

      • What are metrics? What is Prometheus?
      • What are some of the metrics we have? Where do I find all of our metrics?
      • Provide an example of how a metric is taken using an existing metric

      In app-interface, we could document:

      • What are alerts? What are Prometheus rules? Give an example
      • How are alerts made? How do we decide what to alert on?
      • How do we add a new alert?


      Third, add documentation on how to test RBAC locally

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • Documentation has been added for the tasking system
      • Documentation has been added for metrics and alerting
      • Documentation has been added for testing RBAC

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rverdile@redhat.com Ryan Verdile
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