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  1. Insights Experiences
  2. HMS-3765

Conversion script to not fail on file download with a proxy


      There's a customer who uses a network proxy and can't proceed with the conversion through Insights because the conversion script does not expect proxy to be set and fails when downloading a Red Hat GPG key. Currently there's no way to have the script use the proxy. A quick solution for unblocking the customer is skipping the GPG key and the subsequent convert2rhel repofile downloads when convert2rhel is already installed on the system.

      A long term solution is CCT-203 - making it possible to let rhc workers see the http_proxy env var set on the host.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • The the conversion script downloads the Red Hat GPG key and the convert2rhel repofile only when the convert2rhel package is not installed on the host
      • QE have verified that the pre-conversion analysis task performs the analysis on the host when the host has the internet connection available only through a proxy server AND the convert2rhel package is installed on the host

              awaltlov@redhat.com Andrea Waltlova (Inactive)
              mbocek@redhat.com Michal Bocek
              Martin Litwora
              Sergio Santamaria Riocerezo Sergio Santamaria Riocerezo
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
