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  1. Insights Experiences
  2. HMS-3249

Assist users with repositories when adding packages

    • Assist users with repositories when adding packages
    • sst_image_builder
    • 20
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • False


      • Simplify adding packages and assist users with adding custom repositories when they are necessary.
        • Currently, there are two steps to add a package: one that searches the official RHEL repositories, and one that searches custom repositories managed using the Content service. This is confusing.
        • There is currently no assistance available for users who wish to find and add packages not found in the official RHEL repositories.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • The two package search steps will be combined into a single package search step.
      • Searching for a package will search the RHEL repositories, custom repositories being managed by the Content service (regardless of whether or not they have been selected to be added to the image), and the “popular repositories” in the Content service even if they are not currently added to the user’s list of managed repositories.
      • It should be clearly indicated to the user which repository the package results are from.
      • If a user attempts to add a package from a repository that is being managed with the Content service, that repository should be added to the image and the user should be notified.
      • If the user attempts to add a package from a “popular” repository (currently just EPEL 7/8/9) and the repository is not being managed using the Content service, the user should be given the option to add the repository to both the list of managed repositories in Content service and the image.

      Open questions:

      • Is this proposal alright with the Content team? We should consult them and their UX people to make sure they feel the work flow we decide on is a win for them, too.

            ksimicko Klara Simickova
            lgarfiel@redhat.com Lucas Garfield
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            5 Start watching this issue
