Execute the "convert-to-rhel-conversion" task in the Tasks application by making a POST request to the "/executed_task" endpoint with the task identifier set to "convert-to-rhel-conversion." Validate the successful execution of the task by checking the response status and confirming the accurate recording of the executed task in the system.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      1. Implement a test scenario where the "convert-to-rhel-conversion" task is executed using a POST request to the "/executed_task" endpoint.
      2. Verify that the request body includes the necessary information, specifically the task identifier set to "convert-to-rhel-conversion."
      3. Confirm the successful execution of the task by checking the response status and relevant details.
      4. (Optional) Add negative tests when trying to execute the task

            rhn-support-vwildner Victor Wildner
            rhn-support-vwildner Victor Wildner
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