Test executing the convert to rhel conversion task via Tasks UI components.

      1. Navigate to the Insights UI.
      2. Initiate the "convert-to-rhel" task through the UI.
      3. Select a Centos system from the systems list
      4. Verify that the task is submitted successfully by checking for the task in the executed tasks list.
      5. Confirm that the task executes without errors and successfully completes its actions. The conversion must succeed and the conversion results must be displayed in the UI

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • The "convert-to-rhel" task can be initiated from the CRC Tasks UI.
      • The task execution status is accurately reflected in the executed tasks list.
      • Systems targeted by the task are converted to RHEL as expected.
      • The UI provides clear and informative feedback on the task execution.

            opacut Oliver Pacut
            rhn-support-vwildner Victor Wildner
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            10 Start watching this issue
