Resolution: Done
Propagate machinepool labels from machinepool to machine
BU Product Work
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OCPSTRAT-1334 - [Hive] Propagate machinepool labels from machinepool to machine
OCPSTRAT-1334[Hive] Propagate machinepool labels from machinepool to machine
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
As a user, I have a use-case where I have 80 machinepools that I want to capture under a single machine-api MachineHealthCheck CustomResource. MachineHealthChecks only select machines based on labels, so it would be nice if I could set a consistent label on all the machines in these 80 machinepools.
Today, Hive machinepools have a way to propagate labels from machinepools --> nodes https://github.com/openshift/hive/blob/227c25916da4c0b1bb3255b7c030d2ccf36384a0/pkg/controller/machinepool/machinepool_controller.go#L618:L623 but in order to propagate the labels down to machines the labels also need to go into .spec.template.metadata.labels of the generated machineset.
- is related to
ACM-9535 RFE MCE - custom MachineSet labels
- New
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OCPSTRAT-1334 [Hive] Propagate machinepool labels from machinepool to machine
- Release Pending
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