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  1. OpenShift Hive
  2. HIVE-2293

Add the complete cluster version as label to clusterdeployment


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False

      Today, hive has several annotations that represents different elements of the cluster's version:

            "api.openshift.com/channel-group": "candidate",
            "api.openshift.com/gate-ocp": "4.13",
            "hive.openshift.io/version-major": "4",
            "hive.openshift.io/version-major-minor": "4.14",
            "hive.openshift.io/version-major-minor-patch": "4.14.0"

      Missing here is the pre-release info.
      In case a cluster is on "openshift-v4.14.0-ec.4-candidate", the "ec.4" part is not present in the clusterdeployment at all.

      With the request from SRE to read the cluster's version directly from the clusterdeployment (OCM-1606), OCM requires the pre-release info to be included in the clusterdeployment.

      We prefer to get the complete version as a label:

       "hive.openshift.io/version": "openshift-v4.14.0-ec.4-candidate"

      This way CS won't require parsing and merging the different pieces of the version, and can get the version exactly as it would be reported in telemeter.

      cc: wkutler@redhat.com

            efried.openshift Eric Fried
            etabak Elad Tabak
            Jianping Shu Jianping Shu
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            4 Start watching this issue
