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  1. OpenShift Hive
  2. HIVE-1966

ARO logging enhancement


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Copy from CORS-2068:

      With SDE-1447 we will need Hive/installer logs to include some tracing information and information about the cluster resource. We need this for supportability reasons.

      Logs need to include the following tracing fields:

      • correlation_id (see x-ms-correlation-request-id in docs below)
      • client_request_id (see x-ms-client-request-id)
      • request_id (see x-ms-request-id)
      • client_principal_name (see x-ms-client-principal-name)

      This information can be provided to Hive/installer from ARO RP.

      More information on these fields can be found here:

      We also need the fields to identify the Azure resource we are working with:

      • resource_id - can be provided by ARO RP - e.g /subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER
      • subscription_id - can be provided by ARO RP or parsed from resource ID - $AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID from resource_id
      • resource_group - $RESOURCEGROUP from resource_id
      • resource_name - $CLUSTER from resource_id

      All these fields must be present in logs when Hive works in context of a specific cluster:

      • Provisioning DNS zone for a cluster - fields must be present
      • Provisioning or deprovisioning cluster - fields must be present
      • Any other operations against a cluster - fields must be present

      Disussions have begun therein with padillon, including that the installer will need to be given these k/v pairs by hive somehow when invoked. Details to be added as they become available.

            efried.openshift Eric Fried
            efried.openshift Eric Fried
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