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  1. Helm
  2. HELM-386

Integrate Chart Verifier with ODC Helm backend


    • AppSvc Sprint 222, AppSvc Sprint 223, AppSvc Sprint 224, AppSvc Sprint 225

      Owner: Architect: David

      Story (Required)

      As an OpenShift ODC user I will like to be able to verify my charts before I try to installed them, so that I know if there are any issues.

      Background (Required)

      Chart Verifier is a cli tool the runs a series of checks defined in different profiles. This CLI tool is used on our Chart Certification Flow. ODC having integration with Helm Chart Verifier will provide user more insight on whether the helm charts they are targeting will run well on OpenShift. Since we are planning to add checks for signature verification it will also be a security improvement to be able to run chart verifier before installing it.



      Out of scope

      Change to ODC front end

      In Scope

      Changes to HElm oc plugin for testing: https://github.com/sabre1041/oc-helm


      Helm Chart Verifier was recently changed to expose API that can be used from a go client without requiring command line runtime. The idea here is to create new endpoint in our helm backend and enhance the helm oc plugin to test the endpoint works.


      Work with Andy Block to move helm oc plugin to redhat-developer github project

      Edge Case


      Acceptance Criteria

      There is a verify endpoint on our Helm ODC backend
      There are new unit test for verify endpoint
      There is an oc helm verify sub-comand to test backend
      Ideally, there is integration of oc helm test integrated in ODC CI, maybe another story
      There is an issue for the ODC UI team to implement the frontend.
      There is a demo recorded that shows oc helm verify working as expected

      INVEST Checklist

      Dependencies identified
      Blockers noted and expected delivery timelines set
      Design is implementable
      Acceptance criteria agreed upon
      Story estimated



            kmamgain@redhat.com Kartikey Mamgain
            dperaza@redhat.com David Peraza
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
