As a Chart author, I'd like to automate the release and publication to the Red Hat registry - so each time I do a release of my application, it gets pushed onto a specified Chart Repository and gets ready for publication on OpenShift.
In this context, we want to help a Chart author to validate his Chart against the best practices we are recommending and requiring on Helm Charts so they can safely run on OpenShift.
- The Developer already has an Helm Chart available for his application
- The Developer already has a Helm Chart Repository
Provide a GitHub action that will allow a Chart author to:
- Ensure no mis-configuration of the Helm Chart, using and leveraging Chart Verifier
- Test the Helm Chart
- run Chart testing
- run tests against specific version(s) of OpenShift
- Create the pull request to the registry to update the Chart (run Chart releasing action)
Why is it important?
Helping Chart Authors to maintain their Charts quality standards + testing them against specific version(s) of OpenShift.
Use cases:
- Customers willing to follow OpenShift best practices for Helm Chart
- Partners willing to provide Certified Helm Charts on the Red Hat OpenShift Helm Chart repository
- Internal teams, who are willing to provide Helm Charts on the OpenShift Helm Chart repository
Acceptance criteria: