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  1. Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Documentation
  2. HCIDOCS-72

DS & RN: METAL-650 Attach non-bootable ISO to BMH


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • openshift-4.16
    • None
    • Metal
    • None
    • HCIDOCS 2024#6
    • 1

      PR for design is not yet merged, so the exact implementation may change.



      • Doc impact
      • What are we introducing to the customer with this epic? The ability to attach a generic, non-bootable ISO image to configure a bare metal host after provisioning.
      • What is the use case? As an operator, I want to configure a bare metal host after installing the operating system, before first boot. If I have a pool of powered off, installed hosts, I want to be able to add one of these hosts to my cluster by attaching a configuration ISO image and then powering on the host.
      • Does this apply only to a Telco use case or does it apply to other OCP/ACM use cases as well? All OCP cases as well.
      • What is the support level status of this Epic (DP, TP, full support) in this release? Full support
      • If this is new content for existing documentation, what are the changes? Feature description and short procedure describing how to use the new, optional `spec.dataImage` stanza in the BareMetalHost CR.
      • What is the target release? 4.16


      • SME: Dimitry Tantsur
      • QE:  Steeve Goveas

      Resources and Links

      Release Note

      • Yes

      Docs structure

      New procedure module for postinstallation configuration assembly: Attaching a non-bootable ISO image to a node

      Procedure is still TBD. A `spec.dataImage` stanza will be added to the `BareMetalHost` CR. See the design doc after the PR is merged. (PR link in "Resources and links" section above).

            rhn-support-jowilkin John Wilkins
            apinnick@redhat.com Avital Pinnick
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