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  1. Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Documentation
  2. HCIDOCS-515

Break up single steps with 2 code blocks or commands


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
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    • False

      Installing primary control plane node on healthy cluster

      Steps 4i and 4iii have the following structure:

      Create manifest file:

      apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
      kind: BareMetalHost 
      $ oc create -f <filename>

      These are 2 distinct steps:

      1. Create a 'baremetalhost.yaml' manifest file according to the following example:
        [YAML file]
      2. Update the bare metal host by running the following command:
      $ oc apply -f baremetalhost.yaml

      Note the command. "oc apply", not "oc create". If you use 'oc create' for a resource that already exists, like the BareMetalHost object, you will get an error. It is safer to use 'oc apply' unless you know for certain that the resource does not exist. See this blog for a summary.


      Update: 4iii is 'oc create' and 4iv is 'oc apply'.  This repetition needs to be fixed.

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            apinnick@redhat.com Avital Pinnick
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