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  1. Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Documentation
  2. HCIDOCS-434

AI SaaS installation on OCI bare metal (GA) - Assisted Installer Guide


    • HCIDOCS 2024#9, HCIDOCS 2024#10
    • 2

      Sections to update:

      Task scope:

      • Current OCI documentation is for installing on OCI with VMs. We will need to distinguish between installing on OCI with VMs and installing on OCI BM.
        • Update introduction to describe both use cases.
        • Update installation procedure if necessary. It might make sense to keep a single procedure, depending on how different they are. This is TBD.
      • TP notice is being removed with a separate task.

            rhn-support-tshwartz Talia Shwartzberg
            apinnick@redhat.com Avital Pinnick
            Adrien Gentil
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
