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  1. Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Documentation
  2. HCIDOCS-400

Wrong title for baremetal installation section


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • openshift-4.14, openshift-4.15, openshift-4.13, openshift-4.12, openshift-4.16
    • Metal
    • None
    • 3
    • HCIDOCS 2024#7, HCIDOCS 2024#8
    • 2
    • Important

      Task scope: Fix this title and cherrypick to all supported versions (4.12+)

      Documentation URL: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.16/installing/installing_bare_metal_ipi/ipi-install-installation-workflow.html#deploying-the-cluster-via-the-openshift-installer_ipi-install-installation-workflow

      Problem: the title shows Setting up the environment for an OpenShift installation, while that should be the title of a sub-section. It looks as if it had some main title that was lost and this title of the subsection became the main title, which is wrong.

      It is very problematic because if a user is looking how to install a baremetal IPI cluster, they go to "Installing-->Setting up the environment for an OpenShift installation" and they see the following list:

      • Overview
      • Prerequisites
      • Setting up the environment for an OpenShift installation
      • Postinstallation configuration
      • ...

      And the immediate question is: "I have the requirements and the post-installation but, where is the installation?" It is not trivial to know that the installation steps are in a section whose name is Setting up the environment for an OpenShift installation, as it looks like you only setup the environment for the installation.

            rhn-support-jowilkin John Wilkins
            rhn-support-palonsor Pablo Alonso Rodriguez
            Pedro Jose Amoedo Martinez Pedro Jose Amoedo Martinez
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
