Resolution: Done
- Planning meeting with Adel https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qksV097VwEj6yce_Uy5nt9Uij0bKbZeG/view?usp=sharing
- Quick Start OperatorHub example (downloads as an mp4): https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=4c4a1173b0&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1709069139307914678&th=17b7d553c107e5b6&view=att&disp=safe&realattid=f_ksrhj4sf0
- A quick start guide for the Sandboxed operator that users can access from the OpenShift console. (Operators>OperatorHub> search for quick starts)
- Quick start guidelines: https://github.com/bmignano/openshift-origin-design/blob/4d82aef39a2a9e38a064f138b3536ea8fe4bb401/conventions/documentation/quick-starts.md
- What is the support level status of this Epic (DP, TP, full support) in this release? TP
- Who is the SME for reviews? Adel Zaalouk
- UX and Interaction design support: Abigail Donahue, Beau Morley, Megan Hall
- Who is the QE for testing? TBC
- Is there any reason this does not require a Release Note? Include as part of the Sandboxed Container Operator RN
Getting started with sandboxed containers
- Use the 4.7 Quick Start - Getting started with Spring Boot as a template (tip from UXD that it works best to agree the content before it is added to the UI for testing) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JnyElUhV1PaegUul5XiuWxmZ4mKcsH_d2GlxAzP-Lt8/edit
- Include content for the
- Operator hub card incl. procedure time
- sandboxed containers overview,
- installing the sandboxed operator, check your work steps to verify the installation, getting started with sandbox containers runtimes
- Outstanding question- how do we get this content into the UI? Looks like there are template files in https://github.com/openshift/console/tree/master/frontend/packages/console-app/src/components/quick-starts but who does this work?
Option to include this content in the main doc set also.- consider as part of the reorg of Sandboxed containers content.
- [Quick starts: Working group findings and recommendations [WIP]
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18QouOf4YjqIgc2GLhhPRzPGJVtzv6nhyH2Ms_7ehrlQ/edit] https://docs.google.com/document/d/18QouOf4YjqIgc2GLhhPRzPGJVtzv6nhyH2Ms_7ehrlQ/edit
- http://openshift.github.io/openshift-origin-design/designs/administrator/4.6/quick-starts/
- See existing published quick starts https://developers.redhat.com/developer-sandbox/get-started
- Repo for quick starts https://github.com/openshift/console/tree/master/frontend/packages/console-app/src/components/quick-starts
- Creating quick start tutorials in the web console