Uploaded image for project: 'Hawkular'
  1. Hawkular
  2. HAWKULAR-616 Alert Center
  3. HAWKULAR-617

View unresolved alerts and view alert details


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.0.0.Alpha6
    • None
    • User Interface
    • None

      Goal: Todd Carlson views a list of all unresolved alerts in the system and details of the alerts in order to determine what managed resources need attention.
      Todd views the list of alerts that are in Open and Acknowledged States
      Todd selects one of the alerts to view its details
      Todd selects to view the Trigger Definition for the Alert to better understand what caused the alert
      Todd returns to the list of alerts.
      The system presents all Alerts in Open and Acknowledged states by default
      The system optionally presents Alerts in Resolved state
      The system displays the Severity of the Alerts
      The system can sort by Severity (not alphabetically)
      The system can filter by Severity
      The system displays the Ancestry of the Resource that has triggered the alert
      The system can sort by Ancestry of the Resource that has triggered the alert (Alphabetically)
      The system can filter by Ancestry of the Resource that has triggered the alert
      The system displays the Creation Time of the alert
      The system can sort by the Creation Time of the alert
      The system can filter by the Creation Time of the alert
      The system displays the Trigger Description
      The system can sort by the Trigger Description (Alphabetically)
      The system can filter by the Trigger Description

        1. AlertCenter-next.jpg
          96 kB
          Elizabeth Clayton
        2. Alert-detailsnu4.jpg
          80 kB
          Elizabeth Clayton
        3. Multiple-Comments-And-Notifications-State.png
          60 kB
          Lucas Ponce

              gcardoso_jira Gabriel Cardoso (Inactive)
              pilhuhn Heiko Rupp
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
