Resolution: Done
Hawkular is broken on Windows because of the recent streaming support added to the bus.
In standalone.xml we place this snippet in the activemq-rar resource adapter section:
<config-property name="ServerUrl">vm://org.hawkular.bus.broker.${jboss.node.name}?create=false&jms.blobTransferPolicy.uploadUrl=file:${jboss.server.data.dir}/hawkular-bus-blobs</config-property>
This value must be a valid URI, and that means forward slashing. But ${jboss.server.data.dir} resolves to a win path and the backslashes make the value invalid. I did not see an easy way around this. Perhaps we'll need to generate our own property, with forward-slashing, and use that property instead.
The current workaround is to manually edit the standalone.xml prior to starting, replacing the token with the actual path, adapted to forward slashes.