Resolution: Done
The url input is not validated. It is possible to enter e.g. 'javascript:alert(1)' as url to be monitored.
There seems to be some validation in the sense that an error text is shown and the submit button is disabled, but just pressing return submits the entered data anyway.
Consequence is that:
- url list does not show
- any subsequent try to add a new url does (only) partially work.
- inventory entry is only partially populated
Response{protocol=http/1.1, code=200, message=OK, url=} [ { "path" : "/e;test/r;d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", "type" : { "path" : "/rt;URL", "tenantId" : "28026b36-8fe4-4332-84c8-524e173a68bf", "id" : "URL" }, "environmentId" : "test", "tenantId" : "28026b36-8fe4-4332-84c8-524e173a68bf", "id" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" }, { "path" : "/e;test/r;536cc3ede5769b60a49774425aedba24", "type" : { "path" : "/rt;URL", "tenantId" : "28026b36-8fe4-4332-84c8-524e173a68bf", "id" : "URL" }, "properties" : { "trait-collected-on" : 1439543000065, "trait-powered-by" : "Apache", "trait-remote-address" : "", "url" : "http://bsd.de" }, "environmentId" : "test", "tenantId" : "28026b36-8fe4-4332-84c8-524e173a68bf", "id" : "536cc3ede5769b60a49774425aedba24" }, { "path" : "/e;test/r;62510c1f7c55020b4855f7564ef37586", "type" : { "path" : "/rt;URL", "tenantId" : "28026b36-8fe4-4332-84c8-524e173a68bf", "id" : "URL" }, "properties" : { "trait-collected-on" : 1439543000378, "trait-powered-by" : "GitHub.com", "trait-remote-address" : "", "url" : "http://hawkular.org" }, "environmentId" : "test", "tenantId" : "28026b36-8fe4-4332-84c8-524e173a68bf", "id" : "62510c1f7c55020b4855f7564ef37586" } ]
As a followoup, Pinger can not deal with that bogus entry and throws Exceptions:
10:58:20,233 ERROR [org.jboss.as.ejb3.invocation] (EJB default - 8) WFLYEJB0034: EJB Invocation failed on component Pinger for method public java.util.concurrent.Future org.hawkular.component.pinger.Pinger.ping(org.hawkular.component.pinger.PingDestination): javax.ejb.EJBException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Target host is null