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  1. Hawkular
  2. HAWKULAR-526

Downtime duration alert settings don't persist after save.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 1.0.0.Alpha4
    • 1.0.0.Alpha3
    • User Interface
    • None
    • Hide

      In the Availability Alert Settings modal dialog:

      • Toggle the Downtime alert settings to ON.
      • Change the settings to x number.
      • Hit the SAVE button.
      • Then return to the dialog, the downtime duration value presented in the dialog is reverted back to the initial value (5 min.) It should reflect the user's last selection.
      In the Availability Alert Settings modal dialog: Toggle the Downtime alert settings to ON. Change the settings to x number. Hit the SAVE button. Then return to the dialog, the downtime duration value presented in the dialog is reverted back to the initial value (5 min.) It should reflect the user's last selection.

      Changing the Downtime Duration value, in the Availability tab, does not result in a persistent change (in the UI at least). Additionally, some values will not enable the save button, but it seems pretty random.

              vrockai Viliam Rockai (Inactive)
              rhn-support-eclayton Elizabeth Clayton
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
