Uploaded image for project: 'Hawkular'
  1. Hawkular
  2. HAWKULAR-1255

Enable metrics based alerts for Wildfly


    Enable the definition of Alerts in ManageIQ based upon the metrics collected from Wildfly servers. Currently alerts can only be defined on the JVM metrics (heap, non-heap and garbage collection).

    Control->Explorer->Alerts->Configuration->Add New Alert
    Based on = Middleware Server
    What to evaluate -> on JVM stuff appears currently

    Metrics to add, grouped by priority (Datasource, Web Sessions, Transactions, Messaging)

    Based on = Middleware Datasource
    DataSource - Connections Available
    DataSource - Connections In Use
    DataSource - Connections Timed Out
    DataSource - Connection Get Time
    DataSource - Connection Creation Time
    DataSource - Connection Wait Time

    Based on = Middleware Server
    Web Sessions - Active
    Web Sessions - Expired
    Web Sessions - Rejected

    Based on = Middleware Server
    Transactions - Committed
    Transactions - Timed Out
    Transactions - Heuristic
    Transactions - Application Failure
    Transactions - Resource Failure
    Transactions - Aborted

    Based on = Middleware Messaging
    Messaging - Delivering Message Count
    Messaging - Durable Message Count
    Messaging - Non-durable Message Count
    Messaging - Messages Count
    Messaging - Messages Added
    Messaging - Durable Subscribers
    Messaging - Non-durable Subscribers
    Messaging - Subscriptions

      1. graph.png
        64 kB
      2. timeline.png
        47 kB

            agutierr@redhat.com Alberto Jesus Gutierrez Juanes
            jmartine@redhat.com Josejulio Martínez
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
