Resolution: Done
There are two attributes - immutable and in-container - that are on WildFly Server resources that need to be removed. 1) They aren't really attributes on WildFly Server app servers, they are artificially injected by the Hawkular Agent 2) They only have valid values when the Agent is installed in the WildFly Server as a subsystem.
The big problem is that (2) because we are going to deploy the Hawkular Agent as a Java Agent most (if not all) of the time.
These immutable / in-container attributes are attributes on the agent itself. The MiQ stuff should be looking at the agent resource (found in the same feed as the WildFly Server, with the agent resource name being "Hawkular WildFly Agent"). The name of the agent is the same whether deployed as a subsystem or Java agent, so it should be easy to find these attributes.
Note that this is also going to be true of the domain mode Host Controller resource type (those immutable/in-container attributes are also on the Host Controller but should not be).
(Note: this is related to HWKAGENT-173 - that issue is going to remove those 2 attributes from the WildFly Server type)