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  1. HAL
  2. HAL-1779

Replace 'discovery-group' and 'broadcast-group' resources


      In EAP 7.3, the discovery-group resource in the messaging subsystem was deprecated and substituted by jgroups-discovery-group and socket-discovery-group resources. (The same goes also for broadcast groups.)

      This was done to streamline validation requirements in the management model - the old resources required exactly one of the jgroups-channel and socket-binding attributes to be set, while the other had to be null. The management model is not expressive enough for that. In the new resources these attributes are split into their respective resources.

      As that was done, the original discovery-group and broadcast-group resources still exist, but functionally they delegate all operations to their socket- or jgroups- resource variants.

      It is now being contemplated to remove the original deprecated resources in EAP 8. This will affect Web Console, because it still relies on them.

      This RFE is about to fully replace the old UI parts relying on discovery-group and broadcast-group with a new UI based on the new resources. 

            thofman Tomas Hofman
            hpehl@redhat.com Harald Pehl
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