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  1. HAL
  2. HAL-1632

RBAC: Deployment button not available for server group scoped role.


    • Hide
      • Install Wildfly 16.0.0.Final and run it in domain mode
      • Enable RBAC with admin as SuperUser.
      • Create new server group scoped role MainGroupDeployer
        • based on role Deployer
        • scoped to main-server-group.
      • Create new management account test and assign MainGroupDeployer to it.
      • Login to the HAL console as user test.
      • Select from menu "Deployments" -> "Server Groups" -> "main-server-group"
      • Deployment button on top of the ServerGroupDeployment column should be visible but isn't.
      Install Wildfly 16.0.0.Final and run it in domain mode Enable RBAC with admin as SuperUser. Create new server group scoped role MainGroupDeployer based on role Deployer scoped to main-server-group . Create new management account test and assign MainGroupDeployer to it. Login to the HAL console as user test . Select from menu "Deployments" -> "Server Groups" -> "main-server-group" Deployment button on top of the ServerGroupDeployment column should be visible but isn't.

      RBAC security enabled.

      If you create a new server group scoped role (Deployer as base) then deployment buttons in the ServerGroupDeploymentColumn are hidden for that role.

            hpehl@redhat.com Harald Pehl
            eugenpp Eugen Pribulla (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
