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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-88

OpenShift Console SDK switch to SDK NPM Package


      Once we have a published SDK on NPM, we'll need to switch over from OpenShift Console having the SDK to the SDK being fully owned (from a core perspective) in the https://github.com/openshift/dynamic-plugin-sdk repo.

      Acceptance Criteria

      • Review open SDK PRs: openshift/console filter
        • Report any that are close (have approvals in some fashion, maybe blocked by a conflict or something minor), we should try to merge them to save their work thus far
      • Put a /hold on all PRs that modify the SDK
      • Pull over the last of the changes from OpenShift Console so we are fully up to date in the SDK
        • Run a build if necessary and pushing to NPM
      • Delete the SDK code from OpenShift Console & swap over to using the NPM import
        • We may consider a bulk export rather than individual exports to avoid upgrade creep losing some items from the Core SDK that is exposed in the OpenShift Console SDK


      • Assumption is that we can use the NPM package once the OpenShift Console no longer has the code in it's repo
      • Must be done within' a small window to avoid churn in the SDK and a potential loss of feature changes

            spadgett@redhat.com Samuel Padgett
            aballantyne Andrew Ballantyne
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
