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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-4773

[ROSA Wizard] "Edit node labels" link instead of "Add node labels" shown from ROSA wizard.

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    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Infrastructure
    • False
    • False
    • None

      Description of problem:

      As per the change in HAC-1018 , The  "Edit node labels" link should be changed to "Add node labels" for wizards. It looks like ROSA wizard still shown as "Edit node labels". We need to change label as "Add node labels" in ROSA wizard too. In OSD wizard, changes are working as expected.

       See the recordings : EditNodeLabelLinkr.mp4

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Open OCM UI staging.
      2. Open ROSA Classic cluster /OSD wizard.
      3. Fill all required fields and reach to machine pool step.
      4. See the definitions related to node labels.

      Actual results:
      "Edit node label" link is shown for ROSA wizard.

      Expected results:
      "Edit node label" link should be replaced with "Add node label" for ROSA wizard.

              mmensahs@redhat.com Maude Mensah Simpson (Inactive)
              jmekkatt@redhat.com Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
              rhn-support-sthamilt Stacey Hamilton
              Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
