Resolution: Done
HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 241, HAC Console Sprint 243
UI work for purchasing OSD through the GCP Marketplace
The main difference for the GCP Marketplace option is the GCP will be responsible for the metering (instead of pre-purchased amounts - standard billing model)
Need to add a 'Select your marketplace' dropdown to Step 1 of the OSD wizard which contain the following options shown:
OSD on GCP Marketplace design doc
Backend contact: cveiga.openshift
Acceptance Criteria
- This feature should be behind the feature flag osd-google-marketplace** until backend is fully ready to execute
- Add a Marketplace dropdown to step 1 of the OSD Wizard. The dropdown values are hardcoded. The value of 'Google Cloud Marketplace' is marketplace-gcp. The value of 'Red Hat Marketplace' is marketplace
- When user selects 'Google Cloud Marketplace:
- 'Customer Cloud Subscription' radiobutton is selected
- 'Red Hat account' radiobutton is disabled
- Upon hitting the [Next] button:
- 'Cloud Provider' is defaulted to to GCP
- Next screen show to user is the GCP Service account credentails screen (same as OSD -> CCS -> GCP credentials screen).
- May need to add a field to the wizard Review page for Marketplace:, probably in the top Billing section. I don't see it in the mockups.
- When user selects 'Google Cloud Marketplace", upon cluster creation submission the billing model should be marketplace-gcp (instead of just marketplace).
`**` Feature flag 'osd-google-marketplace' is set to orgId 1wuVGGV6SCmD8ya6yRGEJzvmVuC in staging, it has no orgIds in production; meaning it will return false in production and true for those in org 1wuVGGV6SCmD8ya6yRGEJzvmVuC in staging. We can add more orgIds when we are ready to expose to more users.
Open Issues
- On the Billing model step, may need add quota checks for billing model marketplace-gcp. We currently disable certain Billing model options based on Quota from marketplace lookup. Need to determine how new 'Google Marketplace' fits into the picture.
- is related to
HAC-5110 [OSD wizard] Inconsistent version value display on OSD wizard due to recent changes in Google cloud marketplace billing model
- Closed
HAC-5012 [OCM UI][OSD wizard]GCP marketplace cluster installation never restricted by any step due to missing quota but fails the installation during wizard submission.
- Closed
HAC-5014 [OCM UI][OSD]GCP marketplace cluster shown Subscription type as "Standard"
- Closed
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