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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-4119

[Hypershift ROSA] Upgrade strategy didn't respect the wizard configuration definition.


      Description of problem:

      During the creation of ROSA HCP cluster via wizard, The Cluster updates strategy is set to "Recurring update" by default. The "Review and create" page also indicated  "Recurring update"  as cluster updates strategy but after cluster creation, the Cluster updates strategy is set to "Individual updates" and this is wrong.


      How reproducible:


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Launch OCM Staging.
      2. Open ROSA wizard and select control plane type as "Hosted"
      3. Proceed to next steps by providing all required values in each step.
      4. Reach to "Cluster update " step and review the default settings.
      5. Proceed to next steps by providing all required values in each step.
      6. Reach to "Review and create" page and review the "Cluster update" definitions.
      7. Click on "Create cluster".
      8. After successful cluster creation , go to Settings tab, see the update strategy.

      Actual results:

      After successful HCP cluster creation, the update strategy set to "Individual updates" from settings tab although the cluster created with cluster updates strategy as "Recurring update" set by wizard. 

      Expected results:
      The update strategy definition should set based on the cluster wizard definition.
      In this case, it should be set to "Recurring update" from settings tab for the above cluster.

      See the attached recording UpdateStratergyHCPIssues.mp4

            zherman Zac Herman
            jmekkatt@redhat.com Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
            Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
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