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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-3992

[ROSA] Getting started page: Remove duplicated AWS prereq. steps


      Dev story for PD-1469.

      When the ROSA gettings started page (PD-1414) was created, there was no equivalent page on AWS' site to help users with ROSA prerequisites.

      As of Jan 2023, there is now a "Verify ROSA prerequisites" page on AWS' console that checks several prerequisites: https://console.aws.amazon.com/rosa/home#/get-started

      There is now duplication in the prerequisites steps between the two pages for users that are linked to the Red Hat ROSA getting started page from the AWS getting started page, including:

      • Step 5: Quota check
      • Step 3: ELB service-linked role

      Acceptance Criteria

      • Remove Steps 3 & 5.

        1. image-2023-05-31-15-32-59-462.png
          108 kB
          Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
        2. rosa-getting-started.png
          221 kB
          David Taylor
        3. Screenshot from 2023-05-28 13-06-10.png
          181 kB
          Beni Paskin-Cherniavsky
        4. Screenshot from 2023-05-28 13-07-01.png
          237 kB
          Beni Paskin-Cherniavsky

            jswanke@redhat.com John Swanke
            dtaylor@redhat.com David Taylor
            Yanping Zhang Yanping Zhang
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
