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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-3781

[Hypershift ROSA]Remove "Field is required" indication on compute node types when user opens "Add machine dialog" dialog.

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      Description of problem:

      While adding a machine pool using "Add machine pool" option from machine pool tab, By default the validation error "Field is required" on compute node types shown. This is not correct as user didn't do any action on "Add machine pool" dialog. The validation error should only throw when the user not selected compute type and perform add machine pool action or view the compute type list and not selected any value.

      See below

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Install ROSA hypershift cluster via CLI .
      2. Launch OCM UI staging.
      3. Once installation is successful, Open the newly installed ROSA hypershift cluster.
      4. Navigate to machine pools tab and click on the "Add machine pool" button.
      5. View the behavior.

      Actual results:
      There is a validation error "Field is required" associated to Compute node instance types" when "Add machine pool" dialog opened. Please note that the user didn't do any action on the dialog. It looks wrong.

      Expected results:
      Show the validation error "Field is required" only when user tries to,
      1. Not selected  any compute type and perform add machine pool action.
      2. Viewed the compute type list and not selected any value.

              jpuzzo@redhat.com Jeff Puzzo
              jmekkatt@redhat.com Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
              rhn-support-sthamilt Stacey Hamilton
              Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
