Resolution: Done
HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 231, HAC Infra OCM - Sprint 232
User story:
So that I don't have more node pools than I need, as a user, I want the ability to delete a machine pool from a hypershift control plane cluster
Acceptance criteria:
- The user has the ability to delete a node pool (labeled as machine pool) from a hyperhshift cluster.
PD 1464
Implementation details
- Backend endpoint api should be ready to use!
- Will need to re-enable row kaboob menu to show 'Delete Machine Pools' and hide others not available yet.
The main task is to call the node pool endpoint instead of the machine pool DELETE endpoint. The body/response for each of the endpoints is the same.
The shouldn't be any user-facing changes between a ROSA standalone and a hosted (aka hypershift) cluster.
- is related to
HAC-3108 [Hypershift ROSA] Error shown in the machine pools section never vanishes even after refresh or reopens the cluster details.
- Closed
HAC-3002 [Hypershift ROSA][Details][MVP]Remove or disable ability to edit and delete Hypershift machine pools
- Closed
- relates to
HAC-3107 [Hypershift ROSA] Delete machine pool action didn't refresh the table automatically after an error shown in the page.
- Closed
- mentioned on