Resolution: Duplicate
User story:
So that I can more easily understand my encryption options, as a user, I want to be able to collapse the encryption options and I want the encrypt persistent options to give me confidence that by not choosing custom keys my data is still encrypted.
Acceptance criteria:
- The “encrypt persistent columns with customer keys” is a radio button set (vs a checkbox)
- If the user selects “uses custom KMS keys”, the user will be required to enter a properly formatted key ARN (current functionality)
- The “next” button will not go to the next action unless all required fields pass validation (current functionality)
- Data entered will be shown on the review page
- [technical] Data is prepared to be sent to the api on cluster creation
NOTE: The numbering for the wizard steps isn't correct.
This story is just for layout changes ( and not items specific to hypershift)
Implementation details
The following should remain unchanged and behave the same for both Hosted and Standalone clusters:
- Cluster name
- Version
- Region
- Availability (single vs multi-zone)
- Monitoring
- Etcd encryption
Major tasks:
- Change the “Encrypt persistent volumes with customer keys” from a checkbox to radio buttons along with some text changes.
- Place the encryption section inside an expandable section
- Design and microcopy have not been finalized