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  1. Hybrid Application Console
  2. HAC-1142

Milestone 6 Demo - UI Experience


    • Milestone 6 Demo - UI Experience
    • False
    • False
    • None
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done


      The milestone 6 is 2 sprints (sprint 220, 221) long, ending on July 19, 2022. This epic covers the user flows to be accomplished in the UI as part of the milestone demo.

      Acceptance Criteria

      1. The user is able to add a new environment to the workspace via the UI.
        1. The user should be able to see this new environment in the Settings page.
        2. The user should be able to see this new environment in the App Details page, with the environment name, but no associated details or actions.
        3. The new environment is set for manual deployment (show manual in the UI)
        4. Once the environment is added it is visible in the UI
      2. The user is able to toggle to the Topology view of the Development environment and see the deployed components and their status. This is the first iteration of topology being delivered
      3. The user is able to create a multi component application Previously, users can indicate that they have multi components in a git repo with the checkbox in the flow. In M6, we will remove this checkbox from the flow in the UI. The system will bring in multi components from a git repo and we can see that they are all created and deployed.
      4. UI bugs which will be prioritized by PMs
      5. Consider doing some of the onboarding work that Brie has done designs for (if there is HAC Dev UI bandwidth).
      6. In context documentation - updated copy

      UX Designs

      Onboarding and learning: DTUX-1180 | design

      Related Documents

      Milestone 6 Objectives for App Studio



            rorai Rohit Rai
            sdoyle@redhat.com Serena Nichols
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