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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-957

Running gitops control plane on infra nodes


    • Running gitops control plane on infra nodes
    • False
    • False
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      **Include in New Features section**

      The default Argo CD instance installed by the Operator as well as accompanying controllers can now run on the infrastructure nodes of the cluster by setting a simple configuration toggle.

       (Release notes item covers issues GITOPS-957, GITOPS-1073)
      **Include in New Features section** The default Argo CD instance installed by the Operator as well as accompanying controllers can now run on the infrastructure nodes of the cluster by setting a simple configuration toggle.  (Release notes item covers issues GITOPS-957 , GITOPS-1073)


      Add docs that explain how to run OpenShift GitOps control plane (controllers, cluster Argo CD, etc that run in openshift-gitops namespace) on the infra nodes and customer considerations in collocating these controllers on the infra nodes (e.g. possible effect on other infra services).


      Customers are allowed to run the OpenShift GitOps control plane in the infra nodes in order to reduce the cost of the platform given that customer don't have to pay for the compute used on infra nodes:

      Acceptance Criteria

      • Customers can configure OpenShift GitOps control plane to run on infra nodes
      • OpenShift GitOps upgrade maintains infra node configurations on upgrade
      • Docs exist for using infra nodes for OpenShift GitOps control plane

            saumeyakatyal Saumeya Katyal
            ssadeghi@redhat.com Siamak Sadeghianfar
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
