Resolution: Done
To enable ArgoCD in namespace "foo" to deploy workloads in namespace "bar", the user needs to grant ArgoCD permissions to do so by creating a role-binding, which is very tedious for a user.
We can simplify this process by adding labels to the namespace, which is watched by ArgoCD Operator and creates role/role_bindings accordingly to grant argocd instance `admin` permissions for that particular namespace.
Reference Doc:
Acceptance Criteria
- Implement the "granting" side of the requirements per https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDm-J8QPItELQv_GIzs1Y89miXNVUh7RZS85PsxYuwg/edit#heading=h.obahgj87nfva
- A user should be able to create label on the target namespace and the argocd instance can create/manage resources on the target namespace.
- Tested upgrade
- Tested and documented upstream (argocd operator)
- unit test added
- e2e tests added
- is cloned by
GITOPS-1038 DownStream : Grant ArgoCD "admin" permissions based on namespace labels
- Closed