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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-6281

Implement controller-runtime options to optimize Operator's object cache


    • Implement controller-runtime options to optimize Operator's object cache
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • To Do
    • 100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done

      Epic Goal

      This is an implementation epic for GitOps Operator Memory Optimization proposal.


      At a high level, the proposal suggests:

      • Introducing a new label on all operator-managed/watched Secrets & ConfigMaps.
      • Caching only *Secrets & ConfigMaps* with this label in the operator’s cache.
      • Performing a live lookup for Secrets & ConfigMaps missing the label.
      • Implementing self-healing logic to automatically label resources of interest that initially lack the label, ensuring they are added to the cache.

      Why is this important?

      Some customers are concerned about the huge memory footprint of the operator, especially on clusters huge amount of resources.

      Other Considerations

      This epic focuses on cache optimisation only. Other potential optimisations in the reconciliation or other parts of the code, to reduce memory consumption are out of scope.

      Definition of Ready

      • The epic has been broken down into stories.
      • Stories have been scoped.
      • The epic has been stack ranked.

      Definition of Done

      • Code Complete:
        • All code has been written, reviewed, and approved.
      • Tested:
        • Unit tests have been written and passed.
        • Integration tests have been completed.
        • System tests have been conducted, and all critical bugs have been fixed.
        • Tested on OpenShift either upstream or downstream on a local build.
      • Documentation:
        • User documentation or release notes have been written.
      • Build:
        • Code has been successfully built and integrated into the main repository / project.
      • Review:
        • Code has been peer-reviewed and meets coding standards.
        • All acceptance criteria defined in the user story have been met.
        • Tested by reviewer on OpenShift.
      • Deployment:
        • The feature has been deployed on OpenShift cluster for testing.
      • Acceptance:
        • Product Manager or stakeholder has reviewed and accepted the work.

              rh-ee-sghadi Siddhesh Ghadi
              rh-ee-sghadi Siddhesh Ghadi
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
