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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-6206

Provide configurable keep-alive interval for event stream


    • 5
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • GitOps Scarlet Sprint 10/3269, GitOps Scarlet Sprint 11/3270

      Story (Required)

      Background and Approach (Required)

      • A switch should be there to enable/disable the feature.
      • A variable should be there to configure the interval.
      • After provided interval agent needs to send a Ping event to principal. This event will be an dummy event with no data and it can be sent via a goroutine in /agent/connection.go/
        sender() function.
      • Principal will receive this dummy event in principal/apis/eventstream/eventstream.go/recvFunc(), since it is a dummy event there is no need to process it and principal can send acknowledgement to agent and remove it from the queue.

              jparsai Jayendra Parsai
              jparsai Jayendra Parsai
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