Resolution: Unresolved
GitOps Crimson - Sprint 3267, GitOps Crimson - Sprint 3269, GitOps Crimson Sprint 3270
Description of Problem
- Slack Thread: https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/CMP95ST2N/p1732615643254149
- Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WMwDb_KRK3EJ5XkCVjmRRfm_K73fiOHh_2rjf_as8B8/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.8axhm6qg1460
Application stays always OutOfSync when a post-delete helm hook and an untracked resource as the same name
ArgoCD recognizes the extra tls secret as part of the application, but would like to see it deleted, as a result the application is always in an OutOfSync status
Additional Info
- <Any additional info such as logs, must-gather outputs, etc.>
Problem Reproduction
- <How do we reproduce the problem?>
- <Always/Intermittent/Only Once>
- <OpenShift, managed service (e.g., ROSA, ARO), operators, layered product, and other software versions, build details>
Steps to Reproduce
- ...
Expected Results
- ...
Actual Results
- ...
Problem Analysis
- <Completed by engineering team as part of the triage/refinement process>
Root Cause
- <What is the root cause of the problem? Or, why is it not a bug?>
Workaround (If Possible)
- <Are there any workarounds we can provide to the customers?>
Fix Approaches
- <If we decide to fix this bug, how will we do it?>
Acceptance Criteria
- ...
Definition of Done
- Code Complete:
- All code has been written, reviewed, and approved.
- Tested:
- Unit tests have been written and passed.
- Ensure code coverage is not reduced with the changes.
- Integration tests have been automated.
- System tests have been conducted, and all critical bugs have been fixed.
- Tested and merged on OpenShift either upstream or downstream on a local build.
- Documentation:
- User documentation or release notes have been written (if applicable).
- Build:
- Code has been successfully built and integrated into the main repository / project.
- Midstream changes (if applicable) are done, reviewed, approved and merged.
- Review:
- Code has been peer-reviewed and meets coding standards.
- All acceptance criteria defined in the user story have been met.
- Tested by reviewer on OpenShift.
- Deployment:
- The feature has been deployed on OpenShift cluster for testing.