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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-4815

[1.13] Error on startup in Argo Rollouts pod: 'Failed to download plugins: plugin location must be of http(s) or file scheme'


    • 2
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • GitOps Scarlet - Sprint 3258

      Description of problem:

      When using pre-release builds of 1.13, when you createan Argo Rollouts (install by creating a RolloutManager CR) the Rollouts Pod that is created will fail to start.

      If you look at the Pods logs for the Rollout controller, you will see the following error:

      [jgw@localhost-lan rollouts-plugin-trafficrouter-openshift]$ k logs pod/argo-rollouts-7bcddf67cf-hl8ph
      time="2024-06-10T12:46:22Z" level=info msg="Argo Rollouts starting" version=vstable+737ca89
      time="2024-06-10T12:46:22Z" level=info msg="Creating event broadcaster"
      time="2024-06-10T12:46:22Z" level=info msg="Setting up event handlers"
      time="2024-06-10T12:46:22Z" level=info msg="Setting up experiments event handlers"
      time="2024-06-10T12:46:22Z" level=info msg="Setting up analysis event handlers"
      time="2024-06-10T12:46:22Z" level=fatal msg="Failed to download plugins: plugin location must be of http(s) or file scheme"

      The fix is a one line change to gitops-operator. The ConfigMap that is generated SHOUD contain this:

        trafficRouterPlugins: |
          - name: argoproj-labs/openshift
            location: file:/plugins/rollouts-trafficrouter-openshift/openshift-route-plugin
            sha256: ""

            jgwest Jonathan West
            jgwest Jonathan West
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