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  1. OpenShift GitOps
  2. GITOPS-3581

Updating password of default ArgoCD admin user does not have intended effect.


    • GITOPS Sprint 3247, GITOPS Sprint 3248, GITOPS Sprint 3251, GITOPS Sprint 3252, GITOPS Sprint 3253

      Issue :

      Customer is trying to change the password of default ArgoCD admin user but unable to change it.

      Steps Taken :

      • We tried to change it from ArgoCD Web UI but password remains unchanged.
      • Also When we try to change password with CLI, Its not getting changed.
      $ argocd account update-password --account admin
      *** Enter password of currently logged in user (admin):
      *** Enter new password for user admin:
      *** Confirm new password for user admin:
      Password updated
      FATA[0024] rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Invalid username or password

      On login with new password its giving error :

      FATA[0009] rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Invalid username or password
      • Then we also tried by changing password by updating secret "openshift-gitops-cluster" to change the "admin.password".
        With this password of admin user is getting changed but ArgoCD GUI eventually logs you out after only a short time and with argocd cli we can not perform any actions.

      Actual results:

      Unable to update the admin user password.

      Expected results:

      Able to update admin user password without any issues.

      Additional Info

      Please note customer does not want auto generated password, They wants to set the their desired password.

              rh-ee-ansingh Anand Singh
              rhn-support-dkarde Dipak Karde
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